Cookie notice

Conduct as a RINGANA Partner

As a RINGANA Partner you recommend products whereby whatever activities you undertake, you should always demonstrate a professional approach. Sadly, in recent times we have increasingly been confronted with political and controversial views (e.g. on the subject of Covid-19) which are being spread by RINGANA Partners or shared on social media. Furthermore, these social and political debates are increasingly overlapping with RINGANA Partners’ business activities, severely harming the professional image of both the Partners themselves, and RINGANA.

Unfortunately, personal opinions always end up being ascribed to the RINGANA brand, causing damage to the brand image. We therefore appeal to you as a RINGANA Partner to keep your RINGANA business and your private opinions strictly separate. This is also part of being professional, in Compliance terms. We therefore appeal to your sense of fairness and ask you to show integrity and act properly as a RINGANA Partner at all times in order to demonstrate a fair and respectful attitude to one another, to customers and to the public at large.

RINGANA products are exclusive and deserve to be presented as such. This means that they should also be kept separate from other products, companies and sales systems, as well as from personal and political attitudes.

Naturally, we respect different opinions and we greatly appreciate that our RINGANA Partners throughout Europe are so diverse and individual. Nonetheless, social and political views should not be aired in public in conjunction with RINGANA or the products.

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